27 Apr 2016

Reports of terror threats spark concern in Sweden

Swedish police met Eurovision organizers on Tuesday after reports emerged of a potential terror threat in Stockholm, reported Swedish media.
Sweden's security police Säpo confirmed on Tuesday that they were investigating reports of a potential terror threat directed against Sweden.
"I can confirm that Säpo is working intensively on assessing the information received. It is of such a nature that we cannot dismiss it. We are currently collecting information and intelligence," press officer Sirpa Franzén told the TT newswire.
The news stirred tension in Stockholm, which is set to play host to the Eurovision Song Contest finals in just a couple of weeks.
Although the apparent terror threat was not immediately linked to the event at the Globe Arena, the DN newspaper reported that SVT, which produces the competition, was staying in close contact with police.
"After Paris and Brussels this is of course very inconvenient. Both guests and audience are worried," an unnamed source told the Swedish daily.
Säpo and police confirmed that they were working closely with organizers, who had been filled in on the situation at a meeting with police on Tuesday morning, but did not comment on what had been said.
"It was a scheduled meeting for the special team created ahead of the event at the Globe Arena. Obviously we have shared the information we are able to share," said police press spokesperson Kjell Lindgren.
Earlier in the day, the Expressen tabloid wrote that Iraqi intelligence had said that a group of at least seven Isis terrorists had made their way to Sweden. Säpo did not confirm the report.
Interior Minister Anders Ygeman would not comment on reports of a terror threat. 
“We are referring all questions to Säpo,” said his spokesman Victor Harju.