27 Apr 2016

How to connect to the “OnionIRC” & “The CyberGuerrilla Collective” with Hexchat.

Anonymous Launched a New Deep Web Chat Service. Hackers, activists, artists and internet citizens, join us in a collective effort to defend the internet and our privacy. Tor is software that allows users to browse the Web anonymously. Developed by the Tor Project, a nonprofit organization that advocates for anonymity on the internet, Tor was originally called The Onion Router because it uses a technique called onion routing to conceal information about user activity.

Step 1

You need: Hexchat & Tor Browser Bundle

  • Hexchat is a IRC Client, It is very easy to handle and up to date.
  • The Tor Browser is a modified FireFox Browser witch allows you to Connect to the TOR Network.
  • Infos on the Tor Network are available on https://www.torproject.org
As soon as you have everything Installed, you’re ready to go for the next step.

Step 2

Open up Hexchat and click ’ADD’

Edit the settings like this
CyberGuerrilla 6dvj6v5imhny3anf.onion/6697
IRC CyberGuerrilla
OnionIRC onionirchubx5363.onion/6697

(1) Nick name = Do NOT use any Real Information. (2) The ’Login Method’ is the way you will log on to the IRC.
  • You can leave it Blank for your first visit.
  • After that use ’Nickserv (/msg Nickserv + Password)’ and Insert the password you used to Register.
  • For any help on how to Register you can either join the Channel #Support.
  • Or you can use the command /msg nickserv help register

Now before you are able to connect you need to setup the Proxy Connection.

  • Click on ’Settings’ and go to ’Network’ and ’Network Setup’.
CyberGuerrilla & OnionIRC
Proxy server CyberGuerrilla
OnionIRC server with Tor Browser
Proxy server OnionIRC

OnionIRC with Tor Browser

  • Proxy server /Port = 9150.
  • AGAIN : The Tor Browser keeps the proxy connection going.
  • As soon as you Close the Browser THE CONNECTION WILL DROP.

Step 3

You’re done. Click on Connect and you should connect to the IRC.
WebChat CyberGuerrilla with Tor Browser = 3ur4xm2japn56c5f.onion/6697 This link will only work once you have installed and configured Tor Bowser Bundle (TBB).