7 Apr 2016

Foreign Minister Kaljurand: The EU and NATO must intensify cybersecurity cooperation

Speaking yesterday at the European Parliament at the EU and NATO high-level seminar on cybersecurity in Brussels, Foreign Minister Marina Kaljurand stressed that cybersecurity must remain a priority for international cooperation, since information technology challenges and solutions are global and interconnected. “Continuous cyberattacks are the new normal these days. Therefore, it is important for us to be prepared and to strengthen both national and cross-border networks and systems,” Kaljurand added.

Speaking on the subject of cybersecurity, Kaljurand stressed the importance of international and cross-domain cooperation in the European Union and NATO. “We consider it important to strengthen political and operational cybersecurity cooperation and the exchange of information between the EU and NATO. The European Union's wider approach to cybersecurity, and NATO’s more narrowly focused cyber defence activities complement each other. Exchange of information enables better detection of and quick response to incidents,” Kaljurand said, and stressed the need to develop capacity and to plan joint exercises. “We need to continue this work in the EU and NATO; cyberspace security must be guaranteed as a whole,” the Foreign Minister said. Cyber defence is also one of the main topics at the upcoming NATO summit in Warsaw.
Kaljurand also stressed the importance of cooperation in the field of cybersecurity with partner countries and the private sector. “The European Union and NATO could cooperate jointly with the private sector in the field of cyber defence," she added.
This was the third cybersecurity seminar organized by MEP Urmas Paet. Other speakers at the workshop included the Director of the NATO Cooperative Cyber Defence Centre of Excellence (CCDCOE) Sven Sakkov, NATO Assistant Secretary General for Emerging Security Challenges Sorin Ducaru and Head of the Security Policy and Space Policy Division at the European External Action Service (EEAS), Ambassador Francois Rivasseau.

