4 Aug 2012

A Law to Strengthen Our Cyberdefense

A disruption of our electric grid or other critical infrastructure could temporarily cripple the American economy. What’s less well known is that such an attack could threaten the nation’s defense as well.
Ninety-nine percent of the electricity the military uses comes from civilian sources. Ninety percent of military voice and Internet communications travel over commercial networks. Much of the country’s military logistics are handled by commercial shippers who rely, in turn, on privately managed networks.
As we protect our ports and coastlines, so must we marshal resources and techniques to mount an adequate defense of our networks. Our port security is ensured by a combination of the Coast Guard, Customs and Border Protection, state and local governments, and private shipping companies and port operators, with the support of the Navy and the intelligence agencies. Together, they patrol American waters, scan cargo, analyze and share information about threats to our coastlines, and report suspicious behavior to the proper authorities. If any of these layers were to be removed, our defenses would be weakened.
Effective cybersecurity requires a similar multilevel approach. We have a final line of cyberdefense in the Defense Department’s Cyber Command, which defends the nation against advanced cyberattacks, and we have a strong cyberintelligence system in the National Security Agency, which detects cyberthreats from overseas. But we need additional levels of defense to protect the nation’s critical infrastructure.
Collective problems require collaborative solutions. The government and private sector must work together to prevent cyberdisruption, cyberdestruction and theft of intellectual property. This requires robust sharing of information between the government and private sector, aggressive prosecution of cybercriminals, and cooperation among federal agencies.
Simply put, the Cybersecurity Act would help by enabling the government to share information about cyberthreats with industry. The legislation would also permit the private sector to report cyberintrusions to the government or private companies. That ability would increase awareness of cyberthreats, while leaving the private sector in control of which information is shared. It would do all of this while protecting privacy and civil liberties, through robust oversight and accountability measures.
None of us want to see heavy government regulation, especially of the Internet, the fount of so much innovation and economic productivity. The legislation would provide meaningful baseline cybersecurity standards for industry, developed and adopted through a joint industry-government process.
Although the American economy needs effective cybersecurity measures to function and prosper, many providers of critical infrastructure have not invested in basic strategies to defend themselves against cyberthreats. Meaningful standards will help drive companies to invest and help fill the gaps in our nation’s cyberdefenses.
Finally, the Cybersecurity Act would ensure that the Department of Homeland Security has the ability to protect federal networks and assist the private sector effectively and efficiently, by strengthening the department’s legal authority.
The Department of Defense stands ready to support the Department of Homeland Security and any other agency in protecting the nation’s critical infrastructure. Together, our two departments can bring our technical ability to bear and improve the nation’s stock of cybersecurity tools and technology.
This legislation is a critical step for defending America’s infrastructure against the clear and present cyberthreats we face. We’re not going to solve this problem overnight; it will involve a learning experience for both the private sector and the government, but we must learn fast, and develop solutions as quickly as possible. The legislation will help pave the way to American security and prosperity in the information age. It deserves the full support of Congress and the American people.
Ashton B. Carter is the deputy secretary of defense and Jane Holl Lute is the deputy secretary of homeland security.