10 Apr 2016

Hackers Claims to Monitor Any Email in the world including Obama | Bush And Mark Zuckerberg

The well known hacker and former member of the Teampoison Group and One of the old enemy of the Israeli cyberspace known by Mauritania attacker in the cyber world who has been involved in various Operations like #opisrael #oppetrol and many more operations.
Mauritania attacker who is actually leading his own hackers Team namely Anonghost which is  actually founded by him.
The hacker claims to found Bug in all mail protocols of the world including Gmail which is means one of the secured email service too.
what this bug can help hacker
  •  can trace ip address of the Gmail users.
  •  can get traffic emails of world (back connect ) i.e can get full names ,details about the email.
Mauritania attacker claims to retrieve all admin’s details of the Facebook and claims to monitor some of the emails of Mr Barack Obama and George Bush. Mauritania attacker shared some snapshot of the emails with us.
BUSH obama-black Mark Zuckerberg

Here are the some details he shared with us
like this one :-http://www.facebook.com/Chrishughes
zuck@facebook.com [protected by Gmail]
Zuck@facebookmail.com [Not protected ,has phone recovery **************49]
Zuck@fb.com [Not Protected ]
Zuck@facebook.com [Protected by Gmail and Facebook]
on briefly talking with Mauritania attacker he showed us how the bug works and demonstrate the one of the mail server via mark monitor. Mauritania attacker doesn’t support white hat hacking that’s why he hasn’t report the bug.Mauritania attacker also added that he could hack Social Networking Profiles With this Bug
