25 Mar 2015

Why The Internet Of Things Will Change Everything

Jacob Morgan Contributor
I write about and explore the future of work and collaboration. full bio →
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Why The Internet Of Things Will Change Everything

I’ve written about the Internet of Things in several past articles. One explained everything you need to know about IoT along with an infographic and the other provided a simple explanation of IoT. Today I wanted to explore IoT even further in the latest episode of the #futurein5. We’re all familiar with people connecting to the web — we can go online on our phones, computers, etc. But, what happens when devices start to go online? For example, I have a Fitbit Surge, a smart watch that goes online and connects to my scale, my computer, and mobile phone. Conservative reports estimate around 26 billion devices will be connected by 2020 with some estimates as high as 100 billion to 200 billion devices. What sort of devices are we talking about? Literally, anything — phones, lights, fitness trackers, toasters, toothbrushes, small devices or big devices such as jet engines and turbines.
We are moving towards a world where literally everything you can imagine will be connected. While this opens the door to many opportunities for the consumer and businesses, it also comes with its own risks and challenges such as privacy and security. Regardless, I believe this is going to be a very exciting time and IoT is going to change everything — impacting everyone and every business around the world within the next few years.
Do you already used any type of connected devices? Are you hearing of IoT conversations in your organization? I’m curious to hear your opinion, so tune in!
