4 Mar 2015

Council Conclusions on Cyber Diplomacy

The document covers Draft Council Conclusions on Cyber Diplomacy.

The Council of the European Union, RECOGNISING that cyberspace issues, in particular cyber security, the promotion and protection of human rights in cyberspace, the application of existing international law, rule of law and norms of behaviour in cyberspace, Internet governance, the digital economy, cyber capacity building and development, and strategic cyber relations offer significant opportunities, but also pose continuously evolving challenges for EU external policies, including the Common Foreign and Security Policy,

REAFFIRMS the call in the EU Cybersecurity strategy:
• to seek Member States’ cyber policy expertise and their experience from bilateral engagements/cooperation to develop common EU messages on cyberspace issues,
• to work towards achieving a coherent EU international cyberspace policy by increasing engagement with key international partners and organisations, by improving coordination of global cyber issues, mainstreaming the strategic external relations and improving internal consultations;
• to support the creation of relevant national policies, strategies and institutions in third countries with the aim of enabling the full economic and social potential of ICT, developing resilient systems and mitigating cyber risks for the EU;

INVITES the EU and its Member States:
– to ensure that the European activities in cyberspace and national policies, law and initiatives are designed in a way to allow for a coherent approach and avoid duplication;
– to improve coordination of dialogues with partners and to engage them in bilateral, regional or global settings;
– to maintain close relations with the relevant international organisations where the major cyber developments are taking place;
– to engage civil society organisations, the private sector, technical and academic communities, where appropriate, in shaping and implementing EU cyberspace policy;
– to share information on their bilateral cyber consultations,

PDF:  http://data.consilium.europa.eu/doc/document/ST-6122-2015-INIT/en/pdf