8 Feb 2014

Twenty Critical Security Controls for Effective Cyber Defense

Over the years, many security standards and requirements frameworks have been developed in attempts to address risks to enterprise systems and the critical data in them. However, most of these efforts have essentially become exercises in reporting on compliance and have actually diverted security program resources from the constantly evolving attacks that must be addressed. In 2008, this was recognized as a serious problem by the U.S. National Security Agency (NSA), and they began an effort that took an "offense must inform defense" approach to prioritizing a list of the controls that would have the greatest impact in improving risk posture against real-world threats. A consortium of U.S. and international agencies quickly grew, and was joined by experts from private industry and around the globe. Ultimately, recommendations for what became the Critical Security Controls (CSCs) were coordinated through the SANS Institute.
The Critical Security Controls effort focuses first on prioritizing security functions that are effective against the latest Advanced Targeted Threats, with a strong emphasis on "What Works" - security controls where products, processes, architectures and services are in use that have demonstrated real world effectiveness. Standardization and automation is another top priority, to gain operational efficiencies while also improving effectiveness. The US State Department has previously demonstrated more than 94% reduction in "measured" security risk through the rigorous automation and measurement of the Top 20 Controls.
What we found:
  • The majority of respondents (73%) are aware of the CSCs and have adopted or are planning to adopt them, while a further 15% are aware of the Controls and only 12% hadn't heard of the Controls before the survey.
  • The respondents' primary driver for Controls adoption is the desire to improve enterprise visibility and reduce security incidents.
  • Operational silos within the IT security organization and between IT and other business departments are still the greatest impediment to implementing repeatable processes based on the Controls.
  • Only 10% of respondents feel they've done a complete job of implementing all of the Controls that apply to their organizations.
A Brief History Of The 20 Critical Security Controls >>

20 Critical Security Controls - Version 4.1
