Dr. Sam Liles…
I don’t know where to begin describing how excellent a speaker Sam is. Not only is he brilliant, experienced and technically proficient beyond belief, he has a ‘darn the torpedoes’ manner of addressing problems. Sam has a unique ability to home in the critical points of issues and present them with startling clarity. In my opinion, Dr. Sam Liles is a refreshing voice of sanity in this often chaotic over-hyped world of cyber-<insert any word>.
On a personal note I consider Sam a friend, someone who I totally trust. Like me, he also rides a motorcycle, That, by itself, elevates him to a status just below demi-God.
On a professional note, Sam is rooted in altruism. He looks out for his students, he holds their best interests first. When he taught for a year at National Defense University, I heard the same remarks about him, “he’s good people”. In the military, that is about the best endorsement that you will ever read.
So when I was sent an advertisement that Sam was speaking at the Institute of World Politics, I knew I had to talk him up. What’s that word I keep using here? Socialize. I’d like to socialize this event which features Sam speaking on “Cyber as a Form of National Power”. Go. Listen, ask questions, learn. I’ll be there. I’ve invited all my cyber-friends there. Will I meet you there? I’d like to meet you there.
From the IWP website:http://www.iwp.edu/events/detail/cyber-as-a-form-of-national-power
End: Friday, November 9, 2012 6:30 PM
You are cordially invited to a special lecture on the topic of
Cyber as a Form of National Power
Dr. Samuel Liles
Associate Professor, Purdue University West Lafayette
Friday, November 9
5:00 PM
The Institute of World Politics
1521 16th Street NW
Washington, DC 20036
Please RSVP to kbridges@iwp.edu.
This event is sponsored by IWP’s Center for Culture and Security.
Dr. Samuel Liles
is an associate professor at Purdue University West Lafayette in the
Computer Information Technology Department of the College of Technology
where he teaches computer forensics. Dr. Liles is a faculty member with
CERIAS at Purdue University. CERIAS is known as the premier
multidisciplinary academic center in information security and assurance,
and has produced nearly half of the PhD graduates in that field in the
US over the last 15 years. Previously he was a professor in the
Information Resources Management College at The National Defense
University in Washington DC, and prior to that the Computer Information
Technology Department at Purdue University Calumet. As a researcher his
interest is in cyber warfare as a form of low intensity conflict has had
him presenting to audiences world-wide. Samuel Liles completed his PhD
at Purdue University primarily studying cyber conflict, issues of cyber
conflict, information assurance and security, and cyber forensics.
Important note: Attendance at all IWP events requires an RSVP in advance. In addition, prospective attendees must receive an e-mail confirmation from IWP indicating that seating will be available for them at the event. A government-issued ID that matches your name on the confirmed attendee list must be presented at the door for admission to any event.
I don’t know where to begin describing how excellent a speaker Sam is. Not only is he brilliant, experienced and technically proficient beyond belief, he has a ‘darn the torpedoes’ manner of addressing problems. Sam has a unique ability to home in the critical points of issues and present them with startling clarity. In my opinion, Dr. Sam Liles is a refreshing voice of sanity in this often chaotic over-hyped world of cyber-<insert any word>.
On a personal note I consider Sam a friend, someone who I totally trust. Like me, he also rides a motorcycle, That, by itself, elevates him to a status just below demi-God.
On a professional note, Sam is rooted in altruism. He looks out for his students, he holds their best interests first. When he taught for a year at National Defense University, I heard the same remarks about him, “he’s good people”. In the military, that is about the best endorsement that you will ever read.
So when I was sent an advertisement that Sam was speaking at the Institute of World Politics, I knew I had to talk him up. What’s that word I keep using here? Socialize. I’d like to socialize this event which features Sam speaking on “Cyber as a Form of National Power”. Go. Listen, ask questions, learn. I’ll be there. I’ve invited all my cyber-friends there. Will I meet you there? I’d like to meet you there.
From the IWP website:http://www.iwp.edu/events/detail/cyber-as-a-form-of-national-power
Cyber as a Form of National Power
Start: Friday, November 9, 2012 5:00 PMEnd: Friday, November 9, 2012 6:30 PM
You are cordially invited to a special lecture on the topic of
Cyber as a Form of National Power
Dr. Samuel Liles
Associate Professor, Purdue University West Lafayette
Friday, November 9
5:00 PM
The Institute of World Politics
1521 16th Street NW
Washington, DC 20036
Please RSVP to kbridges@iwp.edu.
This event is sponsored by IWP’s Center for Culture and Security.
Important note: Attendance at all IWP events requires an RSVP in advance. In addition, prospective attendees must receive an e-mail confirmation from IWP indicating that seating will be available for them at the event. A government-issued ID that matches your name on the confirmed attendee list must be presented at the door for admission to any event.